HOOPP is offered by more than 700 participating employers across the province, including hospitals, family health teams, community health centres, and other healthcare organizations. As you can see from our list of HOOPP employers, they range in size from hospitals with as many as 10,000 HOOPP members to family health teams with fewer than a dozen members.
Since HOOPP is a multi-employer pension plan, it is easy for members to build their pension as they move from one HOOPP employer to another. Learn more about portability with HOOPP.
Find out which hospitals and community health organizations belong to HOOPP.
Click on the selected letter again to show all employers
This document provides a simplified overview of HOOPP's benefits based on the terms of the HOOPP Plan Text at the time of publication. From time to time, HOOPP may amend the HOOPP Plan Text. In cases where the information provided in this document differs from that contained in the HOOPP Plan Text, the HOOPP Plan Text will govern. More details, including the full HOOPP Plan Text and a complete description of the Plan and its benefits, can be found on hoopp.com.
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