Sustainable investing at HOOPP is about achieving our mission – to continue delivering on our pension promise.
Our Sustainable Investing framework
We integrate ESG factors in our investment strategy and analysis.
When HOOPP evaluates new investment opportunities, our investment teams integrate ESG factors into their analysis and decision making. This integration helps broaden the investment teams’ view of the risks and opportunities inherent in each investment.
Learn more about our Sustainable Investing Policy.
Organizations like ISSB, CSSB and CDP help investors, like HOOPP, access valuable ESG information.

As a member of the SASB Alliance, we believe that standardized, industry-specific and materiality-based standards are critical to sustainable investing. SASB standards
enable businesses around the world to identify, manage and communicate financially-material sustainability information to their investors.

Since 2005, HOOPP has been an investor signatory of CDP. CDP encourages investors, companies and cities to build a sustainable economy by measuring and understanding their environmental
We are responsible stewards of our investments.
Once an investment is made, we continue our sustainable investing approach through our stewardship activities, which include proxy voting, active engagements with companies to promote improved management of ESG factors and asset management activities.
These votes are generally cast by use of a proxy. Voting our proxies in alignment with the principles of good governance aligns with our fiduciary duty to our Plan beneficiaries and is part of how we responsibly steward our investments.
Responsible stewardship, a key piece of our investment management approach, helps protect and enhance the value of our investment portfolio. We use our influence as an investor to promote corporate behaviour that is aligned with sustainable, long-term value. Our stewardship activities include engaging with companies to encourage change that improves the resilience of their business and exercising our voting rights.
As a shareholder, HOOPP has the right to vote for board directors. We exercise this right and may withhold our support for director candidates based on multiple factors, including instances of ineffective governance or insufficient diversity on their board. We evaluate ballot items on a case-by-case basis and consider multiple factors when determining how to vote. When reviewing shareholder proposals we consider factors, such as: does the proposal allow the company enough time to implement the actions requested, is the proposal repetitive (i.e., has the company already implemented the action being proposed), among other factors. For data on HOOPP’s proxy voting please see our Annual Report or HOOPP’s Proxy Voting Guidelines.
Beyond voting proxies, our investment teams also meet with companies to encourage positive change on ESG matters. We engage with companies individually, as well as collaboratively with other like-minded investors through industry initiatives such as Climate Engagement Canada, Climate Action 100+ and the 30% Club Canada Investor Group.
ESG considerations are embedded into asset management activities for private investments. For example, our real estate team has developed a sustainability program that supports its portfolio management activities.
HOOPP's real estate sustainability program has also received multiple awards, including three 2020 Investment and Pensions Europe (IPE) Real Estate Global Awards in the categories of Portfolio Construction, Direct Strategy and Sustainable Strategy. Learn
more about our real estate portfolio.
We support collaborative alliances
We support collaborative alliances to amplify our influence and drive meaningful change. By participating in these external initiatives, HOOPP enhances its ability to contribute to and reinforce its dedication to responsible stewardship.
HOOPP is proud to have partnered with organizations such as the Canadian Coalition for Good Governance (CCGG), the 30% Club Canada Investor Group, Tobacco Free Portfolios and Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).

HOOPP is a member of the Canadian Coalition for Good Governance (CCGG), which promotes strong governance practices in Canadian companies. We endorse the CCGG's Stewardship Principles which align with HOOPP’s strategies for sound governance in how we manage the Plan.

HOOPP is a member of the 30% Club Canada Investor Group, which promotes greater gender diversity on company boards and management teams.
In 2021, the percentage of women on the boards of TSX Composite-listed companies surpassed 30% for the first time, achieving the goal of reaching this milestone by 2022. This is a strong first step with much more work to be done.

HOOPP is proud to be a signatory of the Tobacco-Free Finance Pledge. We have partnered with the not-for-profit Tobacco Free Portfolios to make a public commitment to sustainable
finance and global health. In our pledge to tobacco-free investments, we are joined by over 130 leading financial organizations, across 22 countries.
Since 2011, HOOPP has been a signatory to the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). PRI is the world’s leading proponent of responsible investment,
with signatories representing over $100 trillion USD assets under management.
In 2021, HOOPP supported Canada’s successful bid to host the global headquarters for the new International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB). During COP26 in Glasgow, it was announced that one of two global offices of the ISSB
will be in Montreal. This movement towards a global sustainability standard represents a significant step forward in improving ESG disclosures for investors.
Climate change
Our changing climate will alter risks and opportunities facing the Plan, both through physical impacts as well as transition impacts. Managing climate-related risks to the investment portfolio is part of the Plan's risk-based approach to investing. Learn more about HOOPP’s climate change initiatives.
The ESG landscape is continually changing, as new risks and opportunities emerge. HOOPP is committed to sustainable investing as an integral part of how the Plan invests, and we are excited to continue evolving our approach in a way that delivers ongoing and long-term value to our members.
This document provides a simplified overview of HOOPP's benefits based on the terms of the HOOPP Plan Text at the time of publication. From time to time, HOOPP may amend the HOOPP Plan Text. In cases where the information provided in this document differs from that contained in the HOOPP Plan Text, the HOOPP Plan Text will govern. More details, including the full HOOPP Plan Text and a complete description of the Plan and its benefits, can be found on
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