Our net-zero portfolio emissions goal seeks to lower our carbon footprint through actual emissions reductions. Our portfolio’s emissions could be reduced by simply selling a high-emitting investment to another investor, who may not be concerned about carbon emissions. Our portfolio emissions would decrease, but the actual emissions would not: the high-emitting investment would continue to produce emissions.
We believe that engaging with high-emitting companies can lead to better outcomes when compared to divesting ownership of these companies without first seeking to use our influence as an investor.
HOOPP conducts engagements both directly with companies and through involvement with external initiatives, such as CEC, of which HOOPP is a founding member.
By urging and encouraging corporations to develop credible decarbonization plans, and by voting in support of climate-related proposals, HOOPP seeks to influence corporate behaviour. In the long term, we believe remaining an active investor in companies can lead to actual impacts while enhancing value for our members.