Working for multiple HOOPP employers
If you are working for multiple HOOPP employers, you can contribute at all your employers and generally build a bigger pension.
With more than 700 HOOPP employers across Ontario, building your pension has never been more convenient. You are required to join the Plan immediately when you start a full-time job with a HOOPP employer. Otherwise, you have the option to enrol at any
Common work scenarios for HOOPP members
1. You work part-time for multiple HOOPP employers
If you work part-time for more than one HOOPP employer, you can decide to enrol in HOOPP at each of your jobs to maximize your service and receive a bigger pension when you retire. If you are unsure about whether you should contribute at all your
employers, please contact our Member Services team.
2. You work full-time at a HOOPP employer and then get a part-time job at another HOOPP employer
Since you are already building your pension at your full-time employer, you can choose whether to also enrol and contribute at your part-time job. If you decide to contribute at both employers, your earnings from all employers will be used to
calculate your pension.
If you prefer not to contribute at your part-time job, ask your employer about completing a HOOPP enrolment waiver for part-time and other non-full-time employees form.
3. You work part-time at one or more HOOPP employers and then get a full-time position
If you work part-time at one or more HOOPP employers and then become full-time at a HOOPP employer, you are immediately required to join the Plan at your full-time job. At that time, you can decide if you will continue making contributions at each of your part-time jobs. If you decide you want to continue making contributions at your part-time jobs, no action is required by you. Here's what you need to know:
- You can choose to stop contributing at each part-time employer, and will need to tell them that you are contributing as a full-time member at another employer.
- You can ask your part-time employer about completing a HOOPP member contributions waiver form.
- Your part-time employers will notify HOOPP and stop collecting contributions on your behalf.
Learn more about other work scenarios, at changing to part-time or full-time at a HOOPP employer.
Leaving a HOOPP employer
If you participate in HOOPP at more than one employer and end your employment with one of them, you will continue to belong to the Plan as long as you continue to be enrolled at your other HOOPP employers. This means, you will continue to be a valued
member and you will receive a secure pension for life when you retire.
If you are leaving your employer, watch our video to learn why staying a HOOPP member is the right choice.
This document provides a simplified overview of HOOPP's benefits based on the terms of the HOOPP Plan Text at the time of publication. From time to time, HOOPP may amend the HOOPP Plan Text. In cases where the information provided in this document differs from that contained in the HOOPP Plan Text, the HOOPP Plan Text will govern. More details, including the full HOOPP Plan Text and a complete description of the Plan and its benefits, can be found on
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