Should Joanne remain a HOOPP member?
If Joanne keeps her pension with HOOPP, she is eligible to receive a monthly lifetime pension of $1,245 along with a bridge benefit of $55 per month that will be paid until she turns 65.
These amounts could grow with any approved cost of living adjustment (COLA) both before and after retirement. If COLA was provided at an average of 2.0% per year over 15 years, this could increase her lifetime pension to $1,665 per month and her bridge benefit to $75 per month by the time she retires at age 60.
She won’t be able to make any more contributions, but she knows her pension will be a secure source of income when she retires. In this scenario, Joanne would receive approximately $645,400 from her HOOPP pension over her lifetime, if she lives to age 85.
Could Joanne transfer the lump sum value of her HOOPP pension into a personal locked-in retirement account (LIRA) and still receive the same monthly income when she retires? It isn’t impossible, but it would be very difficult.
Should Joanne transfer to a locked-in account?
To receive a similar monthly income in retirement, Joanne would have to invest the funds in a LIRA, and save enough to purchase an indexed lifetime annuity for approximately $576,400 when she retires at age 60. The commuted value of Joanne’s HOOPP
pension would be a starting point, but it wouldn’t be enough. To build her savings, Joanne would have to take on the responsibilities and risks that come with investing these funds until she retires. There are no guarantees she would be able
to save enough or find an annuity that offers everything her HOOPP pension would.

Joanne's challenges:
- Being responsible for investment decisions
- Paying commissions and fees
- Finding an annuity with HOOPP-like benefits
- Navigating volatile markets
If Joanne saves less than planned, or if she can’t find an annuity that offers equivalent benefits, her retirement will be impacted and she has increased the risk of outliving her savings.
* This represents Joanne’s total HOOPP transfer value of $130,800, where the full amount was locked in. Joanne would need to invest this amount over 15 years in preparation for retirement.
Joanne's decision
After reviewing her options, Joanne decides to keep her pension with HOOPP. She knows that her pension is secure and she will collect it for life. She also knows it could continue to grow through COLA, and survivor benefits are provided at no additional cost. She may also be able to combine her deferred pension with any new benefit if she returns to work for another HOOPP employer.
With all of the peace of mind her HOOPP pension offers, Joanne’s choice is clear.