Celebrating National Nursing Week with our members
See how HOOPP joined the celebration
HOOPP proudly celebrated National Nursing Week 2019 by going on the road and connecting with our members. Nursing Week, held between May 6 and 12, recognizes the hard work and dedication provided year-round by all nursing professionals – including registered nurses, registered practical nurses and nurse practitioners – towards the well-being of Canadians.
We visited 12 employers and met with almost 2,000 members. We had the opportunity to hear and learn about what’s most important to them, and about the rewards and challenges of their jobs. We also answered member questions about HOOPP and defined benefit plans, while highlighting the benefits of having a reliable source of income to look forward to in retirement.
Did you know?
- In 1971, the International Council of Nurses designated May 12 – the birthday of nursing pioneer Florence Nightingale – as International Nurses Day.
- In 1985, the federal government proclaimed the week containing May 12 as National Nurses Week. In 1993, the name was changed to National Nursing Week, to place emphasis on the accomplishments of the nursing profession.
- This year’s theme for National Nursing Week was “A Voice to Lead, Health for All.” The theme is a reminder to all Canadians about the positive impact that nurses – Canada’s largest group of health care professionals – have on our lives and the healthcare system.
Celebrating National Nursing Week with our members
This document provides a simplified overview of HOOPP's benefits based on the terms of the HOOPP Plan Text at the time of publication. From time to time, HOOPP may amend the HOOPP Plan Text. In cases where the information provided in this document differs from that contained in the HOOPP Plan Text, the HOOPP Plan Text will govern. More details, including the full HOOPP Plan Text and a complete description of the Plan and its benefits, can be found on hoopp.com.
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