2021 member data collection (MDC) is now complete
Thank you for completing and submitting your MDC data on time. Your hard work to meet the timelines allowed us to get Annual Statements out to members in a timely manner and HOOPP Connect, our secure member site, now has members’ updated information.
Annual Statements and HOOPP Connect are key sources of personalized pension information for our members.
Additionally, HOOPP required your help to grant contributory service to eligible members on unpaid leaves during the 2021 declared state of emergency periods. Thank you for your efforts in the submission of the information when needed to grant these benefits
to qualifying members.
With MDC complete, the annual Statement of Account process is now underway. Your Employer Specialist will work with you to answer any questions you may have.
Ontario government special lump sum retention incentive
In March 2022, the Ontario government announced a special lump sum retention incentive of up to $5,000 for nurses employed in hospitals, home and community care and other specified settings. The retention incentive will be paid by employers in two installments
and eligible part-time and casual nursing staff will receive a prorated amount.
The lump-sum retention incentive is not considered pensionable earnings and no contributions should be deducted from these payments to members. This is because the payments are temporary in nature and are not a regular and integral part of the member’s
Member education webinars are back for 2022
The more your employees know about their pension, the more they will appreciate the value of HOOPP. Our popular member education webinars are underway for this year. These webinars are one of the ways we educate members about the features and value of
their HOOPP pension. Our goal is to make sure our members have the information they need now to make good decisions for their future.
HOOPP offers three different educational webinars:
HOOPP overview: Understanding your pension
Members will learn more about their pension, along with key benefits and features of the Plan.
HOOPP Connect, your secure online member site
Members will learn how to navigate through HOOPP Connect, use the Pension Estimator and more.
Are you getting retirement ready?
Members will learn about planning for retirement, the value of their HOOPP pension, ways to maximize it and more.
Promotional materials are available to help you inform your employees about these events. Download the materials today.
Going digital with member communications
HOOPP is committed to serving our members, keeping them informed and providing them with a pension for life. Technology is playing an increasingly important part in that commitment, especially as the demand grows for quick and secure access to information.
To meet the evolving needs of our membership, help keep the Plan affordable and support the environment, HOOPP transitioned to mainly digital member communications on February 1, 2022. Learn more about the move to digital communications.
Reminder: Leave of absence payment extension ended December 31
In April 2020, HOOPP introduced a temporary extension on contribution payments for leaves of absence to provide flexibility and support to members during the pandemic. This provided an additional 6 months (for a total of 12 months) after the end of the
leave to make pension contributions. The extension applied to leaves that started on or before December 31, 2021. All contributions for new leaves of absence starting on or after January 1, 2022 will be due within 6 months from the end date of the
leave period.
Visit the Employer Learning Centre for more information.